Make your voice heard at
Most people like us, who have lived and worked on the river for decades agree:
This is a crisis.
The salmon population is going down fast and it could be gone, if we don’t do something about it now.
There is no more time for talking – it’s time for action.
To help the salmon recover we are offering to give them a boost. Simply put, we have kept Miramichi salmon naturally born in the river, safe from predators at the Miramichi Salmon Association (MSA) hatchery. Once mature, and ready to lay their eggs, they are returned to the river. This method has been successful, in other rivers just like ours – currently in New Brunswick and around the world.
The issue is that Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) bureaucrats in Ottawa, Moncton and the Atlantic Salmon Federation (ASF) directors, who are almost all from outside of New Brunswick, disagree with this approach – and they have not given a good reason why.
Their answer to the problem is to do nothing...
It just doesn’t make common sense.
Our answer to the problem, is about the
science and the hard work it takes to make a difference today.
Help save one of New Brunswick’s most treasured places.
Go to now and send a message to your MP and MLA. It’s easy to do and it will make a big difference.
Thank you from everyone who cares about the Miramichi and its salmon.
Dr. Richard A. Cunjak, PhD
Honorary Research Professor, UNB
Atlantic Salmon Ecology
Barb Waye, Wayerton, NB
Manager Miramichi Fish and Game Club
Tommi Linnansaari, PhD
UNB/CAST Atlantic Salmon Research Chair
Atlantic Salmon Population Dynamics
Everett Taylor, Doaktown, NB
Construction contractor and lodge owner
Dr. Louis Bernatchez, PhD
Professor, Université Laval
Canada Research Chair in Genomics and Conservation of Aquatic Resources
Jean Curtis, Kelly Amos, Thelma MacWilliams
Doaktown & Blackville, NB
Cooks at Miramichi Salmon Club
Dr. Allen Curry, PhD
Science Director, Canadian Rivers Institute
Professor of Biology, Forestry, and Environmental Management, UNB